2024 Elections: Is AI going to wreak havoc?

In this episode, we walk through how misinformation and disinformation has been used in past elections to impact outcomes, where we think AI might make a material difference in how elections play out this year, and where we think responsibility lies for the situation we’re in. This episode is hosted by Alix Dunn and Prathm Juneja, and guests include Sam Gregory, Josh Lawson, and Claire Wardle. If you have feedback about the episode or a pet subject that you might want to join forces to develop into an episode, please reach out. You can email team@saysmaybe.com or share an audio note here: speakpipe.com/saysmaybe -- Further Reading Academic Articles KOSA isn’t designed to help kids, by danah boyd Techno-legal Solutionism: Regulating Children’s Online Safety in the United States A review and provocation: On polarization and platforms How to Prepare for the Deluge of Generative AI on Social Media Exposure to the Russian Internet Research Agency foreign influence campaign on Twitter in the 2016 US election and its relationship to attitudes and voting behavior Negative Downstream Effects of Alarmist Disinformation Discourse: Evidence from the United States | Political Behavior News Articles Voter Suppression Has Gone Digital Big Tech rolls back misinformation measures ahead of 2024 Big Tech Backslide: How Social-Media Rollbacks Endanger Democracy Ahead of the 2024 Elections Murthy v. Missouri (Formerly Missouri v. Biden) FCC votes to outlaw scam robocalls that use AI-generated voices Other Links How OpenAI is approaching 2024 worldwide elections OII | How Data and Artificial Intelligence are Actually Transforming American Elections

In this episode, we walk through how misinformation and disinformation has been used in past elections to impact outcomes, where we think AI might make a material difference in how elections play out this year, and where we think responsibility lies for the situation we’re in.

This episode is hosted by Alix Dunn and Prathm Juneja, and guests include Sam Gregory, Josh Lawson, and Claire Wardle.

If you have feedback about the episode or a pet subject that you might want to join forces to develop into an episode, please reach out. You can email team@saysmaybe.com or share an audio note here: speakpipe.com/saysmaybe


Further Reading

Academic Articles

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2024 Elections: Is AI going to wreak havoc?
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